Get Qualified Merchant Cash Advance Leads ( MCA Leads )

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MCA Leads - Flexible Pricing

With our range of discounts, you can save by ordering the number of leads that work best for your specific needs!

  • 100% Exclusive Leads (30 Days)
  • Over $15,000 Bank Deposit/Month
  • Over 1 Year in Business
  • No Bankruptcy
  • DNC & TCPA Compliant

Base Plan

Get Started with 15 Exclusive Leads


Custom Plan

Choose the leads based on your requirements

Why MCA Leads Online for Merchant Cash Advance Leads

Minimize Risks and Use Time Efficiently

Clients can leverage our advanced database of over 100,000 well qualified leads to yield the necessary results for you

Personalized Opportunities

You tell us what you’re looking for, and our analysts make inquiries based on the qualifying criteria you provide.

Results Tailored to Your Needs

Our goal is to provide you prequalified leads based on your industry preferences, revenue, and any other factors specified by you.

Relationships that Profit

Better leads mean more sales opportunities. By tapping into our prequalified database you can connect with the merchants who will make the best use of your products and programs.


Our leads are carefully validated and thoroughly qualified.

Merchants who have bank balances of more than $15k.

Our background check will additionally account for:

Open loans

Bankruptcy concerns

Credit history

Existing or past debts

Our leads offer a solid return on investment and allow you to spend time on valuable business prospects.

Grow your business with yava leads

Frequently asked questions

1How do I get started?
No Contract is required to purchase leads. The process is very simple.
a. Choose your desired plan
b. Pay for the leads
c. Start receiving the leads to make your sales
2How long does it take?
Direct lead lists are usually delivered the same day, but no later than 24 hours
3What makes Yava Leads different than other providers?
We are a customer-focused company that will search for leads based on your specific criteria. Additionally, you leverage our sizable database, which is kept up-to-date.
4What is the minimum qualification on your leads?
We will not put you in touch with any lead that has bank balances of less than $15k. Beyond that, the criteria will be determined based on your preferences.
5Do you offer leads outside the United States?
No, currently we are not offering leads outside United States

Disclaimer: Leads are not guaranteed to convert. Each company has its own agents with different sales skills, its own follow-up techniques that may yield different results, and its own lenders from whom it has to obtain approval. Yava Leads cannot guarantee conversions.

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